TUCKER, GA. — The International Poultry Welfare Alliance (IPWA) partnered with Fresno State’s Center for the Optimization of Poultry (COOP) to launch training modules that promote best practices in poultry welfare.

The comprehensive set of educational training modules were designed to complement IPWA’s Key Welfare Indicator (KWI) Guidelines. Each section of the guidelines will be covered in the modules to ensure a thorough understanding of critical welfare topics.

“We are thrilled to unveil these educational training modules as part of our ongoing efforts to promote the highest standards of poultry welfare globally,” said Nick Wolfenden from Cargill, co-chair of the Education and Training committee at IPWA. “Seeing the IPWA membership of industry and academics come together to identify the gap, collaborate and implement such an impactful solution has been very fulfilling.”

Access to the modules is available through the Fresno State website and the IPWA website.

The courses are hosted through COOP using premier course development software and engaging visuals to ensure a user-friendly experience.

Currently, four broiler-focused modules are live. The groups plan for turkey and laying hen training modules to be added in 2024. Translations into other languages are scheduled for 2025.