CHICAGO — Meat snack brand Chomps announced a new partnership with Land to Market, a verified regenerative sourcing solution. The partnership will allow an independent third party to vet Chomps’ supply chain.

“At our scale, when thinking about domestic and international sources, we want to uphold the highest standards, challenge our own supply base, and better our own understanding so we can ask the right questions,” said Peter Maldonado, chief executive officer and co-founder of Chomps. “Speaking to Land to Market was eye opening, and we’re proud to partner with the leading organization on our vetting and measurement process moving forward.”

Land to Market will evaluate Chomps’ environmental impact as well as its supply chain partners, helping the meat snacks brand move closer toward its sustainability goals.

Products marked with the Land to Market seal indicate coming from farms with positive environmental outcomes.

Land to Market uses Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) to measure farmers’ regenerative efforts. EOV evaluates land health and determines if a farm is in a state of regeneration or degeneration.

“Grazing animals are an essential part of the climate solution,” said Chris Kerston, Land to Market co-CEO. “Properly managed livestock can improve environmental health by sequestering carbon, improving watersheds and supporting biodiversity. By committing to sourcing from Land to Market verified regenerative land, consumers who purchase Chomps’ products are voting for a food system that is actively seeking to improve land health.”