LA FARGE, WIS. – Organic farmer cooperative and brand, Organic Valley released its 2021 Impact Report. The report shares the organization’s impact on the food system through the past 30 years and focuses on its effort to improve the lives and health of people, animals, and the earth.

Highlights of the report regarding the care of people include:

  • Stable, sustainable pay price for farmers,
  • $15 minimum wage for employees, and
  • 45% of women in leadership compared to 30% in most businesses

Care for animals highlights:

  • 50% more grazing time than organic requirements,
  • 5,000 farm visits per year by animal care staff, and
  • Average dairy herd size is 3.5 times smaller than the national average

Care for earth highlights

  • 100% renewable electricity at owned facilities,
  • 440 million pounds of toxic chemicals kept off the land since 1988, and
  • Promotes regenerative organic farming and implemented a five-year Climate Action Plan

“We work together to produce healthy food that will nourish people across the country while providing economic stability for family farmers and rural communities,” said Bob Kirchoff, chief executive officer of Organic Valley. “We build healthy soil, protect the environment, and care for animals. It is our part to play in nurturing the world around us.”

The report also features the organic, farmer-owned cooperative’s efforts toward 100% renewable electricity at its owned facilities and its focus on regenerative farming systems and improving soil life.

The report can be viewed and downloaded at