High-pressure pasteurization is a significant enhancement to the production of Schmacon.
Howard Bender works to achieve broad acceptance of Schmacon beef bacon.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – After a successful debut earlier this month, the second issue of Bacon Business News, an e-newsletter distributed semimonthly by MEAT+POULTRY, was published Sept. 30.

If you aren’t a subscriber, here’s what you missed: The latest efforts of Howard Bender to achieve retail success with his uncured, beef bacon (Schmacon); a podcast with the culinary inventor of the Bacon Explosion, a 2 lb. sausage loaf wrapped in a blanket of bacon, smoked and smothered in barbecue sauce; and a bacon-first — a Q&A with Oscar Mayer branding officials on the processing particulars and success of its Butcher Thick Cut Bacon.

The second edition of the wildly successful Bacon Business News also includes a variety of informative and entertaining stories on other bacon-infused news and trends. Subscribe to Bacon Business News today.