LOUISVILLE, Ky. – A JBS USA pork-processing facility in Butchertown, Ky., once again is facing allegations the plant violated its district operating permit. The Louisville Air Pollution Control Board announced a fine of $51,750 for the latest offense. JBS USA is a unit of Sao Paulo, Brazil-based JBS SA.

On Sept. 2, 2014, the company “submitted its semi-annual report for the first semi-annual period of 2014,” a board order stated. “Company reported that it failed to operate its odor control devices within ranges specified by its operating permit, failed to conduct work practices to control odors, and failed to monitor and keep records of the operation of odor control devices as required by its permit.”

The plant also reported that it failed to conduct daily inspections of the wastewater treatment plant and 20K scrubber, which controls odors from rendering operations, between Jan. 1 and Feb. 10, 2014.

Air Pollution Control Board records show that the Butchertown plant the company was fined $16,000 for alleged odor violations in September 2014. That fine was in addition to $98,750 in fines issued in March 2014 for odor and other violations. Records also show the plant was cited for violating its operating permit in 2009, 2010 and 2011.

The facility, locally known as Swift Pork Co. has agreed to the fine. The fine is subject to a public hearing scheduled for Dec. 16. Read the board order here:
