SPRINGDALE, Ark. – Tyson Foods, Inc. is collaborating with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation on a new initiative to fight childhood obesity, the company announced April 1.
As part of the initiative, Tyson selected Brooklyn, NY-based Edward R. Murrow High School to receive the Tyson K-12 Wellness Grant for the school's nutritional and wellness efforts. The school is the first to receive this award. The grant was used to purchase new equipment for the school’s wellness room, including air hockey and ping pong tables, stationary cycles, two televisions for exercise gaming systems, X-box 360 fitness bundle, and a variety of other equipment designed to keep students active.
A formal announcement will be made April 4. The event will include a tour of the wellness room where Murrow students will demonstrate the new equipment. Additionally, students, teachers, and event attendees will have the opportunity to sample Tyson’s new school lunch options in the school’s cafeteria.
Murrow High School is a member of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Healthy Schools Program, which supports more than 16,000 schools across the country and more than 70 schools in New York City.