WASHINGTON – Bill Roenigk, senior vice president of the National Chicken Council, will become a part-time consultant to the council effective June 2013.
In his own message to NCC membership, Roenigk expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to work for the council and with an outstanding industry. He also expressed his appreciation to the council's executive leadership for accepting his request to continue with NCC on a consultancy basis. Mike Brown, NCC president, said the arrangement will allow Roenigk to "remain an important part of the team and we will all still benefit from his wisdom and wit — just not nearly as often."
"After nearly 40 years of service to the National Chicken Council and the US chicken industry, Bill's contributions are countless and his encyclopedic mind on the history and issues of importance to our industry is unchallenged," Brown said in a message to NCC membership. "I thank Bill for his unmatched service and congratulate him on this announcement."