ATLANTA – The Centers for Disease Control added 21 cases of Salmonella infections related to contact with live chicks and ducklings.
The 21 new cases are from nine states: Arizona (1), Maine (1), Massachusetts (1), Michigan (1), North Carolina (2), Ohio (7), Pennsylvania (1), Tennessee (3), and Virginia (4).
A total of 144 persons from 26 states were infected with the outbreak strains of Salmonella Infantis, Salmonella Newport and Salmonella Lille, CDC said. Illnesses began between March 1 and June 22, and 32 people were hospitalized as a result of the infection. CDC said one person died, but that it was unclear whether Salmonella infection was a factor. CDC said that illnesses that occurred after June 17 might not yet be reported due to the delay between the time it takes for a person to become sick and when the illness is reported.
During interviews with public health officials, 82 people reported contact with live chicks and ducklings before falling ill, CDC said. Fifty-three people with available purchase information said they bought chicks and ducklings from Mt. Healthy Hatchery, a mail-order hatchery in Ohio.