WASHINGTON — After a month since the US Department of Agriculture authorized the importation of a modified live avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) vaccine, the agency announced the approval of additional aMPV vaccines.

On Dec. 23, aMPV vaccine VaxxonSHS was welcomed into the US market — a first for the poultry industry. Many stakeholders celebrated this new development, including the National Turkey Federation (NTF), who at the time described it as “a massive advancement in protecting US turkey flocks against aMPV.”

With the additional vaccines approved, NTF once again expressed its support for the USDA’s decision.

“The National Turkey Federation applauds USDA’s approval for the importation of additional commercial modified live avian metapneumovirus vaccines,” the group stated. “This milestone further reflects our industry’s commitment to safeguarding the health and vitality of US commercial turkey flocks. With these new authorizations, NTF members Vaxxinova, Boehringer Ingelheim and Zoetis Animal Health are ready to introduce the vaccine to the industry, further strengthening our efforts to protect turkey health. We urge USDA to continue its efforts to facilitate the importation and development of additional aMPV vaccines, including the advancement of a domestic vaccine.”

Signs of aMPV include a decrease in egg production in birds, conjunctivitis and neurologic birds.