MIDLAND, VA. — Ross Industries Inc. entered a new distribution agreement with Modernpack Hoppe GmbH, a leader in protein separation and mincing equipment. Under this agreement, Ross Industries will become the exclusive distributor of the SEPAmatic line of soft belt separators in the United States.
SEPAmatic is known for its innovative soft belt separator technology that efficiently and gently separates natural food compounds between their different textures. These soft belt separators are ideal for food applications where precision and gentle handling are paramount.
“SEPAmatic separators are incredibly versatile machines,” said Brian Nicholas, marketing specialist for Ross Industries. “Processors use them on meat, fish, poultry and vegetables. Even product rework situations such as separating sausage from casing or cheese from its plastic rind.”
SEPAmatic soft belt separators utilize a perforated drum that rotates against a natural or synthetic rubber belt. The unprocessed product enters into the drum where uniformly increasing pressure forces the soft portions through the perforations. The hard portions are ejected from the machine. The soft product's natural fiber structure is retained without grating, grinding or heating. The result is a granular consistency reminiscent of coarse mince, making it eminently suitable for producing high-quality sausage, patty productions or minced fruit. SEPAmatics also excel in product recovery applications, allowing processors to extract every gram of saleable protein from sinew, membrane, fat and bone.
“Our cooperation with Modernpack Hoppe and the addition of the SEPAmatic soft-belt separators is a natural fit with our existing product line, bolstering our product portfolio of world-class solutions to the meat processing industry,” Nicholas said. “SEPAmatic’s technology aligns perfectly with our commitment to maximizing processor yields and minimizing food waste. We are excited to represent these machines to the US market and look forward to the value they will bring to our customers.”