AUSTIN, MINN. – Hormel Foods Corp. recently reopened the Spam Museum which the company said is one of the most-visited attractions in Minnesota.

The state of Minnesota previously closed all museums, businesses and other operations to help stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Under the Minnesota Stay Safe guidelines, non-critical businesses that have in-person customer interactions must include additional provisions to keep customers and workers safe. This includes requirements that workers and customers must maintain physical distancing of 6 ft and that store occupancy must not exceed 50 percent of the establishment’s normal occupant capacity as determined by the fire marshal.

“While being closed was the right thing to do to help curb the spread of COVID-19, we are so excited to open our actual doors and our virtual one and welcome guests back to our museum,” said Savile Lord, Spam Museum and community relations manager at Hormel Foods. “For those visiting us in person, we have robust cleaning and sanitation protocols in place, as well as following social distancing guidelines provided by the Minnesota Department of Health.”

The museum also offers live virtual tours via Zoom video conferencing capabilities.

“Instead of recording a virtual tour and having people play a video on their devices, we wanted to create a more personal experience and provide a customized tour for each group, like we would do if they were at the museum,” Lord said. “When guests sign up for a live virtual tour, one of our outstanding ‘Spambassadors’ will lead them on a tour and interact with each person or group in real time, providing the memorable experience we are known for.”