The facility in Geismar uses Syntroleum’s Bio-Synfining technology to produce the renewable fuels from non-food grade animal fats, such as beef tallow, pork lard, chicken fat and greases, produced or procured by Tyson Foods. The plant is producing 2,500 barrels per day and is designed to produce up to 75 million gallons per year.
“Our U.S. plant is producing some of the highest quality diesel fuel in the world, and best of all, it is renewable with a carbon footprint 75% below that of petroleum diesel,” said Gary Roth, chief executive officer of Syntroleum. “We can also make renewable, high-value specialty distillate products that can be used in a wide variety of applications such as dry cleaning, ink cartridges and drilling fluids, and we are actively pursuing these markets.”
Tyson and Syntroleum hope the U.S. Congress will restore a renewable diesel tax credit of $1 per gallon that expired in December of 2009.