WASHINGTON – The Consumer Price Index for meat, poultry, eggs and fish declined 3.5 percent in January along with four other major grocery store food group indexes, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Dept. of Labor reported. The index for meat, poultry, eggs and fish declined to 251.78 compared to 260.98 in January 2015.
The index for beef and veal eased 0.8 percent compared to December, while the bacon, breakfast, sausage and related products index declined 0.3 percent. The CPI for poultry eased 0.7 percent compared to December.
Overall, the CPI for food was 248.63 compared to 246.54 a year ago and 247.90 in December. The index for food away from home increased to 259.96 from 253.037 a year ago, but the food at home index declined for the third consecutive month, as five of the six major grocery store food group indexes declined, BLS said.