TUCKER, Ga. – In an ongoing effort to lure more poultry science students to the industry, the USPOULTRY Foundation announced student recruiting grants of $230,600 to six US-based university poultry science departments in addition to industry-specific programs at 20 other educational institutions.
The poultry science departments included Auburn Univ. ($21,481 via Ingram Farms); Mississippi State Univ. ($22,021 via Sanderson Farms); North Carolina State Univ. ($27,205 vis Stanley Frank Family Foundation); Univ. of Georgia ($19,104 via the Leland Bagwell Education and Innovation Fund); Texas A&M Univ. ($34,766 via Tyson Foods); and the Univ. of Arkansas ($25,423 via the Monty and Margo Henderson Recruiting Fund).
In addition, approximately $111,000 in recruiting and retention grants were distributed among 20 additional institutions.
“It is important that we continue to interest bright young people to study careers in the poultry industry,” said Sherman Miller, Cal-Maine Foods, and USPOULTRY chairman. “We need sharp young managers to join our companies, as they may one day be the leaders of tomorrow.”