This month, poultry producers raising birds with outside access received a notice from State Veterinarian Robert Cobb, DVM, to move all poultry into housing immediately and to implement strict biosecurity measures.
“In Georgia, the birds and eggs were shipped to one location in the western part of the state and two in the middle part of the state,” Cobb said in a report published by Growing Alabama. “They were destroyed, but not tested for the virus.
“We are confident that we are going about this the proper way and we are removing all the hatching eggs and birds,” Cobb said.
Arizona faced a similar threat. On June 15, agriculture officials quarantined 13 quail and chickens and about 40 quail and partridge eggs that came from an Iowa farm where birds tested positive for HPAI.
Wild migratory birds were partially responsible for introducing the virus into commercial poultry operations. But the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service said the virus also was spread through alternate pathways including lapses in biosecurity measures and possibly by air.