ATLANTA – Arby’s Mini Meat Marvels have been marvelous for the chain’s business. The company reported selling 29 million of the mini-sandwiches in September. Sales of Mini Meat Marvels have been so dynamic that the company decided to make the sliders a permanent menu item.
“Our sliders bring the magic of Meatcraft to a smaller sandwich,” said Rob Lynch, CMO and brand president of Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc. “Sliders combine snack-sized value with the high-quality proteins we’re known for and this is a winning proposition with our guests. We’re selling an average of several hundred per day, per restaurant, with our current one-day record at nearly 1,500 in a single day.”
To illustrate the point, Arby’s offered a few slider statistics:
• The most sliders sold in a single day were 1,494 in Jasper, Ala., on Sept. 18.
• The state with the most roast beef slider orders was South Carolina.
• Chicken sliders sold best in Connecticut.
• Customers in New Yorker ordered more corned beef sliders than any other state.
• North Dakota registered the most sales of ham sliders.
• Diners in New Mexico ordered more jalapeno roast beef sliders than any other state.